Wednesday, June 10, 2009

welcoming El Nino...

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas said the Meteorological Department has reported the El Nino phenomenon.
“However, its full effect can only be gauged sometime in August,” he said.

Malaysia experiences a hot and dry season in June, July and August with temperatures ranging between 33 °C to 34 °C. However, with the El Nino phenomenon, temperatures can rise by an additional 3 °C.



Nurul Azliana a.k.a. Buyui


Er Lang said...

ni mest tgh menghadapi saat saat kehidupan sangap...sampai hapdet pasal el-Nino...ingtkan el-nina dtg SP...siap welcome bagai!

fatin said...

da musim panas.. jerebu pun ader gaks.. few km away da x nmpk da..
panas2 ni kene byk minum air..

buyui, apa yg abes nyer.. besela cuaca x menentu.. ader turun naik.. cam kite gaks.. kdg hot kdg cool... buyui slalu cool.. ahaks

jejaka anggun said...

apa agi? cepat2 lah beli bikini....

Buyuiazliana said...

Mr I-mmg dr semlm la i nak letak entry ni pas tengok berita

Fatin-ko mmg memahami aku kan my twin....

jejaka-gila hazab nak sun bath tgh panas ni..mau terbakar hangus!

azataq said...

tuh psl ler i kena asthma ni...kalau cuaca pns melanda ni..mmg i susah hati lah...isk isk iskkk..naper xde winter ek kat mesia...

cikgu airin said...

nak pose lak tu bualn 8 nih... hadoyai!!

@rep said...

nok? apa yang abes? u ols bercucuk tanam ke?