Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Full and beautiful moon

Last night on the way back from my tuition class i ternampak kat langit bulan penuh yang memang amat chantek!tapi nasib baik la sampai tak terleka masa drive.Before this bile nampak full moon takde lah nak rase macam leka macam ni tengok..maybe this time kechantekan bulan tu sendiri berbeza...agaknyalah......

Agaknya sebab tu ramai jugak sebelom ni kita boleh tgk ade yang teruja dengan full moon ni.For me i think full moon ni melambangkan konsep perfect dalam segala2 nyalah..

So to be perfectionist it's not easy....tambah2 pula si perfectionist ni tau kalau dia keluar dari umah org akan pandang dia so lagilah dia akan cuba to be perfect in a way to make a a very good look n try to reach others expectations...fuh...memang meletihkan.....

But to this person this is the way they feel comfortable...kita yang melihat mmg rasa mcm memenatkan (tak penat ke perfect giler nak mampos macam Bree Hodge tu...?) tapi kalau mereka ini rase let them be what they want to be....

P/S:Nobody perfect in this world and the word perfect itself is subjective.

Nurul Azliana a.k.a Buyui


Anonymous said...

Tahu tak.. Pada 10 Jan 2009, adalah Bulan Penuh terbesar bagi sepanjang tahun 2009!



Er Lang said...

a gud entry Miss B. interpretation of perfect is subjective, but u have to remember...there's always a standard rules. yet it is subjective, it is also tied to the standard rules....u can never run from it. as a whole, we live in an enviroment tht, no matter we like it or not...involves others.

Full moon?
Telah tetap memandang bulan yang sama,
Indahnya kelam, tiada bermakna!

Buyuiazliana said...

oh thanx for d info orglipis...(tak sangka ade silent reader..hehe!)patutlah cantek bangat bulan mlm itew..