Tuesday, April 28, 2009


i really miss this moment..bukan gilmore girl (gambar hanya sekadar hiasan)but the time when we sit together wif our mum n tell anything that we want to share wif her..maybe sum of u are lucky enough because u still have her..but for me...the moments will always remain deep in my heart..always..i luv u mama!

P/S: sape lom kol mak tu kol la cepat2 ek...

Nurul Azliana a.k.a. Buyui


jejaka anggun said...

ok. nnt kol dia 1hb...

Er Lang said...

true...most people tend to take thing for granted....even me gak...nak call mak now!!!!

Buyuiazliana said...

selalunya bile mereka depan mata kite selalu leka nak menghargainya..bila dia tiada masa tu dah terlambat..

azataq said...

aku selalu kol...sampai laki den yg tut tu..bising bil naik..wahkahakhakhaka

@rep said...

hem balik kg 1 mei ni.. so bleh la gurl talk nok

Buyuiazliana said...

shirley-bagus keep it up..mmg la bil naik mak ko nombor mana ko nombor mana?

arep-leh mak join nok???hehe!

azataq said...

mak aku nombor sarawak ler...isk isk iskkk