Thursday, May 28, 2009

standards of living huh?

Who Did They Knock Down The Trees, Daddy?

It' a question, boy ; standards of living.
It's cars, you see, that give us a high level of living -
help, so to speak,

Without cars, let's face it, a nation is under- developed.
And these days it's bad to be under- developed
in anything at all. It's a competitive worlld, son.

The trees? Oh, well they have to go
on the advice of Big Brother
so that the cars can have a better chance
of hitting one another[~tetiba part ni i rase touching plak..sadis!]

(Cholin Thiele)
p/s:this is a poem yg i discuss during class today...

Nurul Azliana a.k.a. Buyui


jejaka anggun said...

budak2 tuh faham ker?

Buyuiazliana said...

kan.....masalahnya chegu yang paham......bebudak celik2 je mana nah CAR sudah terpampang depan mata...

Umieqadeel said...

aku suka sungguh ngn poem ni, simple tp hidden meaning tu is deep...very deep...

Buyuiazliana said...

Anim-nanti ur husband leh baca to ur son..kikiki...

Umieqadeel said...

hua3...aku pon tatau son aku nk kuar bilo?? masalahnya bilo maso aku nk memboatnyooo?? kui3 klu son...diwatnya 1 ari nnti 2nd baby gigirl lg...huuuu...bjanggut lgi lohhh...

Buyuiazliana said...

takpe kalau girl lagik ko edit je poem tu..hiks!