Wednesday, November 24, 2010

me, Mrs M, YM and social network

seperti dijanjikan ai kepada Mrs MM td [bini kepada BPM :P] ai akan hapdet satu cerita...begini ye...ini hasil dialog between me n her just now:

M: eeeee buyui
B: hang kat myspace ker
M: ahahahhahahaha
M: omg
M: ble tak i post kat myspace
M: i igt i dah erase myspace acc i
M: haha
B: omg
B: myspace tu tempat budak sekolah la
M: hahah
M: tmpt budak skol
M: tapi rata2 i tgk profile umuq 23,26,27
M: tiba2 ada gambaq hang 29
M: hahahha
M: and k
M: ahhahahah
M: terkejut aku
B: hahahahahahhahahahha
B: omg
B: aku pon lupa dh password my space
B: sheet
B: omg malunya sume 23,22 21..tetb i...29
B: mesti org igt i nk cr anak hekan kann?
B: omg
M: hahahah

ye keje kitaorg mmg gelak je..tak penat tu nk naip hahahahahahhaha..pastu omg..hahahahhahahha balik ...pastu omg balik..muehehehehe!takpe janji kalau ai stres borak je ngn Mrs M or kalau dia lemau pn borak je ngn ai...release la sikit....

berbalik pd topik ini, ha see?tetb aku umo ujung2 ni masuk myspace la..nak delete dh lupa password pulak...bayangkan nanti umo 50 nanti org masuk my space nampak lak ai..buyui50 years old seeking for friend..siap profile tang status tu open relationship voley?

MM suruh ai suruh uols add me on twitter..dari biar aku tweet sorg2 x de org balas...[saje je kan ltk mcm ni nk suruh org add] sick people!org suka org invite la x yah la rayu domba wahai MM..:P

p/s:ai dh tgk social network..eee...x suke la itu founder mcm org sepi je....n psiko maybe?



fatin said...

twitter? i had mine oredi twin.. hihii

Buyuiazliana said...

fatin:really?apakah ia?

jejaka anggun said...

hehehe... dia tuh asshole la....

Buyuiazliana said...


MarriageForIdiots said...

ahaha 50 female lookin for friends..macam tu aku pun kena delete aku nyer !
klu cite tu buat sakit hati je, takmo la nk tgk coz ada JT jer..oopps. ;p
ye laaa nanti i join twitter u..

Buyuiazliana said...

MM:mana boleh u nk tgk jantan lain ..u dh ade BPM...JT tu jantan kan?ops