Monday, October 4, 2010

peace plissss

boleh x dikatakan this is the new style of our culture?

"if u are .......... malaysians u burn people tht u hate"

"if u ................malaysians just burn the dead bodies"

"the .................. malaysians can throw acid to the others face"

there's another one

can arr??so to outsiders if u want to be safe..just don't talk or speak to us or else u can choose the way u die either by blow with explosions or or in pieces but that was old style but still can use..

isk sorry i tak berbau racis ok nk tuduh org sana sini..sorry sgt2 kalau sape2 terasa..i x tuduh ..i just want to show what i feel now is like all malaysian like too kejam sgt..x rasa mcm tu ke?

p/s:takut dgn dunia hari ini..kalau x perang..korang bunuh org senyap2 pulak...ape ni?



cik beLLanan said...

ikotkan, not all malaysian macam tu..tapi people da label kte camtu lak..xpatot btol..
btw, singgah kejap ;)

Buyuiazliana said...

bella:betol tu sbb tu la ppatah like "kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga"..selamat menyinggah..singgah2 la sll ye...