Monday, October 25, 2010

pukat=Phuket, Thailand?LOL

tadi dalam kelas En T ask either the V or M can translate the sentence given..the sentence was in malay..some sort like this "......... pukat jerut ......." i just highligted the word pukat jerut because i laughed it loud when the M [which turn to be one of my friend now because of hanjeng situation happen to us today] said pukat is the district/area..what?? he think pukat is Phuket, Thailand!!

wait............!!why i am writing in english?does it to make one of my new friend can read my blog...ah...sudah...!!!ni sebab mulut buih2 sibuk nak prepare country report esok la ni..shooootttttt!!

p/s:lama siol x present..cuak mak!



jejaka anggun said...

pls improve yr grammar. heheheh

fatin said...

hahaha.. pukat-phuket? loghat mana gamaknyer tuh yer.

ilek twin..per yg nak oo buat presentation..hihi

Buyuiazliana said...

JA:hahahaha..this is manglish my grammar is excellent!:P

fatin:org yg sah2 la tatau ckp melayu...